Most visa applicants are required to sign the Australian Values Statement during the process of applying for their Australian visas. The Australian Values Statement summarises the key values that underpin Australian society and social cohesion. The Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs recently made a new instrument to update the Australian Values Statement. The new instrument commenced on 30 October 2020.
Current Australian Values Statement
For all relevant visa applicants (including temporary visa applicants). The updated Australian Values Statement is as follows:
“I confirm that I have read, or had explained to me, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values.
I understand that Australian society values:
- respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual;
- freedom of religion (including the freedom not to follow a particular religion), freedom of speech, and freedom of association;
- commitment to the rule of law, which means that all people are subject to the law and should obey it;
- parliamentary democracy whereby our laws are determined by parliaments elected by the people, those laws being paramount and overriding any other inconsistent religious or secular “laws”;
- equality of opportunity for all people, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, or national or ethnic origin;
- a ‘fair go’ for all that embraces:
– mutual respect;
– tolerance;
– compassion for those in need;
– equality of opportunity for all;
- the English language as the national language, and as an important unifying element of Australian society.
I undertake to conduct myself in accordance with these values of Australian society during my stay in Australia and to obey the laws of Australia.”
In addition to the above statement, permanent visa applicants are also required to sign or accept the following:
“I undertake to make reasonable efforts to learn the English language, if it is not my native language.
I understand that, if in the future I meet the legal qualifications for becoming an Australian citizen and my application is approved, I will need to pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people.”
Reasonable efforts to Learn English in the Australian Values Statement
This is a new addition in the Australian Values Statement. Permanent visa applicants must now give an undertaking to make reasonable efforts to learn the English language if it is not their native language. This new addition is to better reflect the importance of the English language as Australia’s national language, which plays an important unifying element in the Australian society.
Changes to Application Forms
The introduction of the new Australian Values Statement means that all visa application forms will now incorporate the new Australian Values Statement. Readers are reminded to check that the visa application forms being printed and signed from 30 October 2020, is the latest version. If the old version of the application form is submitted, the application would be deemed invalid and returned. For example: the application form for parent visa 47PA has been updated in late October 2020. You may click here to read more about the Australian Values Statement.