
Federal Budget 2020 – Key Points on Migration

The Federal Budget 2020 – key points on migration was announced by the Government on 6 October 2020.    Below are the summary key points on migration:

Refund or waiver of Visa Application Charge (VAC) for temporary visa holders affected by the Covid-19 travel ban.

  • Prospective Marriage, Pacific Labour Scheme and Seasonal Worker Programme visa holders will be able to access a VAC refund.
  • Temporary skilled workers and visitor visa holders will be eligible to have the VAC for a subsequent visa application waived, to allow them to return to Australia once travel restrictions are lifted.
  • Working holiday makers will be eligible to have the VAC for a subsequent visa application waived, to allow them to return to Australia once travel restrictions are lifted or otherwise be able to access a VAC refund.

Migration Program 2020-21

Migration Program planning level is set at 160,000 places.

  • Family Stream places will increase from 47,732 to 77,300 places, including 72,300 places within the Partner category.
  • Global Talent Independent places will increase from 5,000 to 15,000 places.
  • Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) places will increase from 6,862 to 13,500 places.
  • Humanitarian Program will allocate 13,750 places.

The following visas will be prioritised:

  • Employer Sponsored.
  • Global Talent.
  • Business Innovation and Investment Program.
  • Onshore visa applicants and Partner visa applicants where the relevant sponsor resides in a designated regional area.

Changes to Partner Visas

  • Sponsor will be required to meet character checks.
  • Sponsor will be subject to enforceable sponsorship obligations.
  • Introduce English language requirements for Partner visa applicants and their permanent resident Sponsor.

Increase of Visa Application Charge (VAC)

Visa application charges for Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) visas will also be increased by an additional 11.3 per cent (above regular CPI indexation) on 1 July 2021.

To find out more information about the Federal Budget 2020 – key points on migration, the joint media release by Minister Peter Dutton, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister Alan Tudge, Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs is available 请点击查看律所。.

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