Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Australian Government has introduced tough travel restrictions to control its borders in order to protect its citizens and residents. One of these travel restrictions prevent Australian citizens and permanent residents from leaving the country unless an exemption has been granted. The Department of Home Affairs has recently issued guidelines listing the circumstances that would generally be approved for exemption, and the relevant evidence that may be submitted to support the application for travel exemption.
Automatic exemptions under the Outbound Travel Restrictions
If you fall under one of the following categories of travellers, you are not required to apply for exemption to leave the country:
- Usually resident in a country other than Australia.
- Members of the crew of an aircraft or vessel, or a worker associated with the safety or maintenance of an aircraft or vessel.
- New Zealand citizens holding a Special Category (subclass 444) visa, even if they are usually resident in Australia.
- Engaged in the day-to-day conduct of inbound and outbound freight.
- Travelling in association with essential work at an offshore facility in Australian waters.
- Travelling on official Government business (including members of the Australian Defence Force and any Australian government official travelling on a diplomatic or official passport).
Are you eligible for exemption?
If you do not fall under the automatic exemption category, you must apply for exemption before you leave Australia, and meet at least one of the following criteria:
- your travel is as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, including the provision of aid.
- your travel is essential for your business/employer.
- you are travelling to receive urgent medical treatment that is not available in Australia.
- you are travelling outside Australia for three months or longer.
- you are travelling on compassionate or humanitarian grounds.
- your travel is in the national interest.
Travelling Outside Australia for Three Months or Longer
This is the new addition published in the recent guideline. To meet this criterion, you must have a compelling reason and will remain overseas for at least three months or longer. You should provide relevant documentary evidence that supports your compelling reason to remain overseas for at least three months.
More details
The processing time for travel exemption and guideline on travel restrictions changes from time to time. Visit the website of the Department of Home Affairs 请点击查看律所。 to obtain the most up to date information on the Australia’s outbound travel restrictions.